Tuesday, August 2

Day 1 without the Phone

Just a brief check-in on how day 1 went.

It was hard and easy at the same time. It was hard to not reflexively turn to my phone for every little thing. I am an information junkie, and every time I had a question, I wanted to ask Google for the answer. It was hard not to want to respond to texts right away...and (confession!!) I did hop to the bathroom a few times (...sigh) to answer some texts.

But, I also finished reading 3/4s of a non-fiction book that I've been meaning to read for a long time, had time to read the first few chapters of a fiction book I've been meaning to read, actually WATCHED my daughter laugh and play with her toys. And even when she took a 2 hour nap (!!) in the day, spent most of that time reading (although I did enjoy texting and reading some NY Times on my phone!).

But the most marvellous part of the day was breastfeeding Elliette before bed. Without a light on, it wasn't possible for me to read, so I was able to spend some intentional time in prayer. Praying for friends, praying for Elliette, praying for Sam and I, thanking Jesus for what He has done in my life... Ahh.. that was good. 

Most of the time, I complain that being a new mom has robbed me of time to spend with Jesus. But the reality is that my phone is robbing me of that time. 

And now, it's time for bed. I have a feeling tomorrow will be more difficult, since Sam will be gone from 10:30am until around 8:30pm. Less distraction means more temptation. Sigh. My name is Lydia and I am an addict.

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