Friday, March 13


Today I am going to the gym.

Here are things that I need to tell myself every day:

I am not going to the gym...

... out of a "if I could just fit into size 4 jeans, life's problems would be solved, including poverty and world hunger" mentality.
... out of fear that one missed session will lead to this:

... out of guilt that this happened on Monday:

... out of a performance-driven attitude
... out of a need for acceptance and approval from..umm..basically everyone
... out of shame over my imperfections

Today I am going to the gym because there is a divine Author who has written my story. An Author who breathed life into me once, and then generously breathed Life into me once again. I am going to the gym because, though my days may be numbered, taking care of my heart, lungs, limbs, and mind may increase the number of days I might be of service. I am going to the gym, so that, should I be so blessed to have grandchildren, I will be able to walk with them and play with them and tell them about the Author of our stories. I am going to the gym because the Author created me lovingly with forethought and attention, that my story might reflect, though dimly, His greater story. I don't want my lack of forethought and attention to my body to take away from what meagre offerings I can bring to the table in His divine plan.

Today I am going to the gym because this Author came to earth, endured all the rankness of humanity, struggled to breath and then breathed His last, that I might be able to Breathe. There is no more guilt for a missed day, no more shame for a spoonful (or more...) of ice cream, no more need for the approval of humanity, no more need to prove myself. There is only gratefulness and gratitude and ____(insert a thousand other platitudes)____ for Life and Breath and the opportunity to bear the image of an Author too great to even imagine.


  1. Amen! That's how it should be. I need to write some of these statements on a notecard so that I'm reminded of the truth!
